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5 Tips for Growing Your Instagram Account

Did you know that –

Instagram has more than 500 million active users every day?
Or, 8 out of ten accounts on this social platform follow at least one business? 

The stats above clearly indicate how Instagram has become a new frontier for social media marketers. It’s now a powerful medium to gain visibility in the digital or virtual world. So, it’s only natural that brands of all hues - from a local family-run entity to big billion-dollar international enterprises, are looking to leverage the potential of Instagram to grow and enhance their reach in the market. 

Tips for Growing Your Instagram Account

Your business too can benefit from this fastest-growing social media channel, but it first needs to form a strong community of followers.  To grow your Instagram account, you will need more engagement with your audience, more views on the post and the desire to add value to users out there.  

Plus, you must need to part ways with the old hacks to growing your brand on this great platform. Once you manage all thus, Instagram will prove a wonderful marketing avenue for your business in the long run.   

Here are 5 tips for growing your Instagram account -

1 – Focus on posting high quality content

Instagram rewards high-quality content a lot. If your content is worthy of delivering value, it will then generate engagement for your brand and get pushed to the top of users’ feeds. The content that are liked more by users or that generate more comments will ensure superior engagement for the brand.   

So, you focus must be on using only original content, posting images that are fine-tuned and look attractive and professional in true sense. Don’t post hashtags as they are; rather, add relevant call-to-actions and words to your posts as this will make the captions capable of generating comments.   
2 – Leverage the already-established brand of Influencers   

Influencer marketing is in vogue today with ever-growing usages across all top social media. It’s a unique type of marketing wherein brands can rely on an influencer in the industry and capitalize their clout and reach on the platform.  Your Instagram influencer will thus have a huge presence with lots of followers to help your business their ‘influence.’

Influencers can help put brands in front the right audience in the niche; can share your content, promote your products, highlight the finer aspects of your services with the purpose of influencing audience in favour of your business. You can thus partner with an influencer, ask them to highlight your brand to their channels and this will boost your followers and user engagement.   

3 – Supplement organic reach with paid ads

Let’s admit it – organic reach has limitations no matter how hard you try with it. Even if you maximize it, the results will at best be nominal for your marketing. You should also look to supplement your organic effort with paid ads to get the most out of Instagram. The best part, more brands now take the paid route for obvious benefits. 

You too should do that given the exciting new ad features launched by Instagram to support businesses big and small alike. You can easily create video ads, make story ads, as there is an ad maker for help.  With right and subtle use of paid ads, you can definitely give your sales a well-deserved boost.

4. Organize Contests

If you’re not sure how to become featured on Instagram and grow your Instagram account, organize contest and realize the goal easily. With contests, you must give out some freebies as this will work as a motivation for users to engage with your business. 
Just a bit of creativity and use of some good ideas can get your contest going in true sense. For example, create a hashtag and give users a theme to post images on, or ask them re-post an image you already posted earlier or ask them to mention their handle in the caption etc. If the contest is exciting, you can expect a tide of comments for sure.

5. Encourage your followers to create content

If you think you have given your followers enough content to consume, you can now get them to create themselves and maintain the chain of process.  Their content too will help your Instagram account in the same way as yours does. Your followers can be motivated to create photos, videos, GIFs with your products for help. You can this turn your followers into advertisers and their content can give a boost to your account for sure. So, don’t let this wonderful trick slip and leverage your followers optimally.

Author Bio

Derek is an experienced social media marketing professional with a track record of helping brands with their promotions across digital channels. He’s currently working with a top digital marketing company and you can benefit from his domain knowledge to grow and transform your business across social media.

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